Casting Teen Aliens



We are casting teen aliens with a unique and hilarious laugh. 

Script| Sides – 3 Takes


(Laugh 1 for 5 seconds)

(Laugh 2 for 5 seconds)

(Laugh 3for 5 seconds)

Example: 3 uniquely different takes of laughing for 5 seconds. Think crazy alien. Be unique. Consider a robot laugh, a cyborg laugh, an alien we have never heard of. Just be creative, you don’t just have to do human laughs. 

Example: 3 uniquely different takes of a laugh

About the Film

Title: The Cat Crash
Length: 9 min
Rating: G
Genre: Animation | Family | Comedy


An alien obsessed paranoid cat goes on a journey to live his best life.

Learn More about Set on a Hill and our History in the Youth Community

Set on a Hill’s mission within our Animation Collaboration initiative is to provide more opportunities for youth within the film and TV industry. This includes education, voice-over experience, and film collaboration. To learn more about our education and charity history visit the link below.

    Benefits and Perks

    Our Alien voice-over actors will receive:

    We are excited that you are interested in joining the Set on a Hill’s Animation Collaboration program where we voice a film together. The is an unpaid educational collaboration that offers several benefits.

    • IMDb Credit
    • How to Voice 101 Animated Characters MasterClass for free. (Valued at $550)
    • 1 Ticket for you to invite a friend to attend the online movie premiere.
    • The opportunity to showcase your talents with our community on social media by collaborating with our interactive posts.


    The requirements to apply include:


    • AGE 5 years old and up
    • Must have either a Public Instagram or Public TikTok account
    • Permission from Parent/Guardian
    • Must be nominated or asked to audition

      How to Apply

      Step 1:

      Complete the online form to share your information and to choose your Alien name.

      Step 2:

      Download the Media Release form or CLICK HERE.

      2A). Have your parents sign the form and upload the form to Dropbox via the Upload link shown below. or CLICK HERE

      Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_media relase.pdf”

      2B). Upload a good headshot photo of yourself via the Dropbox upload link below or CLICK HERE.

      Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_headshot.jpg”

      Step 3:

      Provide 3 different takes of you laughing for 5 seconds each and upload them as a single .mp3 audio file.

      Upload to the Dropbox upload link below or CLICK HERE.

      Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_Alien”.mp3



      (Laugh 1 for 5 seconds)

      (Laugh 2 for 5 seconds)

      (Laugh 3for 5 seconds)


      Example: 3 uniquely different takes of laughing for 5 seconds. Think crazy alien. Be unique. Consider a robot laugh, a cyborg laugh, an alien we have never heard of. Just be creative, you don’t just have to do human laughs. 

      How to Convert your Audio to MP3

      Please be sure that you upload an mp3 file. If you recordded your audio as an mov, mp4, wav, aac, please don’t upload it. Please convert it first with one of these conversiting websites or apps. Convert the file to an MP3.


      List of Converting Software







      Convert Audio to Audio or Convert Video to Audio

      Set on a Hill

      Animation Production

      about Us

      Set on a Hill is an award winning animation production company that specializes in the kids and family industry. We have successfully produced TV Shows, Films, Music Videos, and Commercials.

      Free Welcome GIFT

      Cat Affirmations

      VOICE-OVER Programs

      • Superpower Academy

      Demo Reel Checklist

      Follow Us @Setonahill1