
Our History

Community Work

Set on a Hill Community Programs in conjunction with our non-profit Estadio Magazine has impacted the community in numerous ways. Within the last ten years we have already accomplished so much. We are doing charity work through our Princess Ellie programs as well.

2012 Charity Projects

History1In 2012 we helped a High school student gain a summer internship position as a Bookkeeping Analyst where she learned how to reconcile account, use QuickBooks, and scale balance sheets. She earned $10 per hour as a high school student and learned a transferable skill that she can use in any city she decides to go to college in. That student, who was a triple minority—African American, female, in a single parent home– now has her first year of college paid for, due to our training in fundraising and saving for college.


2013 Charity Projects

In the summer of 2013 we hosted an Education and Career Fair where we brought in two
career panels, 3 speakers, and trained students on job, college, and career options.
The event was in partnership with two non-profits, Earth’s Angels Conference of Internal
Hope Fellowship Church and Solutions for Teen Life. The event was hosted by Almeda
Mall and the program benefited both non-profit organizations. Set on a Hill was glad
to be able to give away three scholarships during the event.

In the fall 2013 one of our students in our summer career and college training program, after applying the techniques we taught in our course, earned $27,000 in scholarships and grants for the 2013-2014 school year.


2014 Charity Projects

In 2014 we became partners with the Consulate General of Brazil in Houston. We also traveled to Manaus Brazil and Recife Brazil in order to connect with local avenues and to determine their needs. While in Brazil we filmed fan correspondence for MundoFOX.

In the fall 2014 we gave away $1150 scholarship worth of
credit to Thomas and Thomas Law Firm to two students for
a Pre-Educational Scholarship. This scholarship assisted
students before they start attending school, to preparehistory4
them to qualify for scholarships.

2015-2017 Charity Projects

In 2015 we partnered with Rice University HACER program fundraise for a scholarship component to their club. Never in the history of HACER have they had their own scholarship fund, until now.

In 2016 we donated our live performances to multiple schools and children’s programs. We donated toys and books to international and local California elementary schools.Webster Elementary 2017.01.10 3

In 2017 we helped a dancer to prepare her for the Los Angeles market by creating a talent resume, producing her head-shots and producing two reels for her portfolio.

Become a part of our success in the community by partnering with us or becoming a volunteer.

2017 Charity Shows:

We helped organize charity children’s performances at schools and community centers.

  • Webster Elementary Ms. Haller
  • Webster Elementary Ms. McDonald
  • Paradise Hill Elementary Ms. Jones
  • Rodriguez Elementary Ms. Delgado
  • Universe Multicultural Film Festival
  • Kidchella at Pretend City Children’s Museum
  • With Love Community Center

2018 Charity Projects

Princess Ellie Started the Princess Ellie Songbook Club to support teachers, students, and schools on a consistent basis. She is donating:

  • In collaboration with Drew CDC we gave away 400 backpacks to students
  • We donated over 100 Christmas Gifts to students in the Los Angeles Area

Charity Shows and donations this year have included:

  • Kidstock at Pretend City Children’s Museum
  • Book and T-shirt donations in Simi Valley Schools

2019 Charity Projects

Princess Ellie Started the Princess Ellie Songbook Club to support teachers, students, and schools on a consistent basis. She is donating:

  • 1000 Songbooks to 1000 Preschools in the U.S. this year
  • She donated her online educational cartoon to preschools nationwide – Visit www.PrincessEllieKids.com/cartoon

2020 Charity Projects

Princess Ellie Started the Princess Ellie Songbook Club to support teachers, students, and schools on a consistent basis. Charity projects included

  • Drew CDC Backpack and Health Drive
  • Preschool Book Donations

2021-2022 Charity Projects

Princess Ellie Started the Princess Ellie Songbook Club to support teachers, students, and schools on a consistent basis. Charity projects included

  • Catalyst Scholarship
  • Book Donations
  • Career Webinars and Challenges