Bag Sponsor

Become a Backpack Sponsor

Little Brother Big Sisters is a new children’s television series and children’s book created by Set on a Hill.  Set on a Hill uses a unique style of rhymes, culture, and morals to engage kids to love reading.  The Live Launch will promote our goals to get 1000 books into the hands of children and to promote our love for literacy.  We will have our actors, singers, and dancers performing live, debut our children’s show, and debut our children’s book.  The event will be filmed and the studio audience will be featured on our first show in the fall on Mundo FOX 34. We will be giving away 250 backpacks with sponsor gifts inside. Support our love for literacy by becoming a backpack sponsor to promote your business for this event.


Live Television Premiere – Sat, May 30, 2015 at 7pm at 1809 Hollister, Houston, TX 77080

We will be working on giving out Jump From Paper backpacks to all of the attendees of the event.  Jump From Paper cartoon style backpacks connect with our Little Brothers Big Sisters cartoon encouraging kids to jump into reading our books. These are expensive high quality backpacks and your sponsorship helps bring these bags to the children.  Promote your business at our event.

  • Bag Sponsors must prepare a gift for 250 attendees
  • Bag Sponsors must prepare 250 flyers
  • Bag Sponsors will have their business name, website, and gift mentioned on our first show on Mundo FOX in a special commercial thanking all of our Backpack sponsors.
  • Bag Sponsors will be mentioned on our website
  • Bag Sponsors will be announced at the event



$55 is the cost to be a bag sponsor

This does NOT include admission into the event. Please purchase admission tickets separately at

All bag sponsors must be approved before they are selected into the event so fill out your information below and make your payment.  You will then be directed to the payment options.

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