Begin Step 1 Below

Benefits Perks & Requirements

Voice-Over Actors will receive:

  • We are excited that you are interested in joining the Set on a Hill’s Collaboration Production program. The is an unpaid educational collaboration that offers several benefits.

  • How to Voice 101 Animated Characters MasterClass for free. (Valued at $550)
  • The opportunity to showcase your talents with our community on social media by collaborating with our interactive posts.

The requirements to apply include:

  • Must have either a Public Instagram or Public TikTok account (Recommended not required)
  • Permission from Parent/Guardian
  • Must be directly requested to audition by the casting team

    Complete the Following Steps

    Step 1

    Click the link below and sign the media release. SIGN HERE

    Having Trouble?:

    If you have issues, alternatively, download the Media Release form CLICK HERE.

    Then upload the signed Media Release to Dropbox via the Upload link CLICK HERE

    Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_media relase.pdf”

    Step 2

    Schedule an audition where we will record you doing your lines. If it’s a fit, we will either ask you to film on your own, or we will use what you did in the session.

    Schedule your meeting below: or CLICK HERE


    View your sides (lines) here.

    Example of Mixing Vocal Efforts

    Video Example of Lines