Complete the Following Steps
Step 1: Sign Media Release
Use the Form Box below or SIGN HERE to complete the media release.
***PLEASE VERIFY YOUR EMAIL: After you complete the form, you will be sent an email verification from Adobe. Please confirm your email, otherwise we won’t get the form.***
***PLEASE VERIFY YOUR EMAIL: After you complete the form, you will be sent an email verification from Adobe. Please confirm your email, otherwise we won’t get the form.***
Having Trouble?:
If you have issues with the above form, alternatively, you can download the Media Release form DOWNLOAD HERE.
Then upload the signed Media Release to Dropbox via the Upload link UPLOAD HERE
Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_media release.pdf”
Step 2: Complete Profile Form
Add your information to our Online Database by completing the Profile Form Below:
Interview Questions
Instructions: You will be assigned only 2 or more of the following Industry Insights Questions.
Introduction: Who are you and what do you do?
Sample Introductions: Hi, my name is _______________ and I help ___________ through my (business/program/service)_________________ (to accomplish/to solve)___________________.
What is the #1 piece of advice you would want to share with others?
Sample Response opening: The #1 piece of advice I want to share is ________________
Why are professional and community groups so important?
Sample Response opening: Professional and community groups are so important because __________________.
Share with us a success story of someone you have served.
Sample Response opening: One of the most memorable success stories of our (program/business) is __________________.
Share with us the importance of having a recreational outlet alongside of your career?
Sample Response opening: The importance of having a hobby/recreational outlet include __________________.
Please upload the following information so we can add it to your bio.

Step 1: Upload the Requested Media to Dropbox
Please Upload the following to Dropbox.
- Biography – This is a 1-3 paragraph executive summary of who you are and what you do. (Word Doc or PDF)
- Resume – This is your professional Resume. (Word Doc or PDF)
- Headshot photo- Share (2) professional photos of yourself.
- Action photo- This is you doing what you love. (Preferably it would be just you in this photo. Doing what you love. Please include at least 1 action photo of just you, and if you want to include photos with others, you can do that also).
- Other media as requested by the Production Team.
Naming: Name the file as “FirstName LastName_FileType.jpg”. For example “Janessa Roberts_Biography.docx and Janessa Roberts_Headshot.jpg”
Then upload the files to Dropbox via the Upload link CLICK HERE
Step 2: Follow Us on Both Social Media Accounts
@SETONAHILL1 and @EkaetteLA
If selected we plan to post Collab posts on both social media accounts.