Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince is about a curious bee that is bullied because he has feathers instead of regular bee wings. Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince go on an Adventure Quest filled with riddles, hidden butterflies, and songs. They find a way to help save their honeycomb by learning how to plant a wildflower and by using the shadow from the Feathered Prince’s wings to help germinate the seeds. The Feathered Prince realizes that his feathered wings are a gift in disguise and the bees learn how to fly again.

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Ekaette Elizabeth Shammah is the animator and narrator of this award winning project.
The five main characters are Princess Ellie, The Feathered Prince, Queen Wildflower, The Flower Farmer, and the Secret Butterfly. Check out our treatment and Pitch Deck on the links below.
Princess Ellie
Princess Ellie loves adventure. She is out on a journey when she meets Queen Wildflower and decides to help with the problems facing the Combdom. She loves to leave her stamp on the world by positively impacting others through music and dance.

The Feathered Prince
The Feathered Prince is a honeybee that has feathers instead of regular opaque bee wings. He is bullied and not given a job in the hive. When Princess Ellie shows up, he goes on an Adventure Quest with her and discovers the true use of his wings. His wings create a shadow that help germinate the seeds and also helps recharge the bees by helping them go to sleep.

The Flower Farmer
The Flower Farmer lives in another land far away where he grows giant flowers. Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince discover the Flower Farmer on their Adventure Quest. He knows the secret on how to plant a wildflower. The Flower Farmer is mysterious and gives Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince three riddles that will enable them to plant their own wildflower.

The Secret Butterfly
The secret butterfly is an orange butterfly that is hidden inside of the Secret Butterfly Segment and throughout each episode. The secret butterfly enhances the curiosity and problem solving skills of the children. The audience is given the opportunity to find the secret butterfly in every episode.


The Book
The cartoon is based off of the book Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince. Order it today and read along while wathing the cartoon! The book was written for Pre-K to elementary school children.

Coloring Sheets
Every episode also comes with a coloring sheet right here on the Princess Ellie website. We encourage children to use their imagination, learn new colors, and learn about how to plant a wildflower.
There are new vocabulary words to learn in every episode. Check out the book for a list of the vocabulary words.
Episode Summaries

Episode 1: Bees of a Feather
Princess Ellie goes on a journey and discovers the land the Queen Wildflower. The queen gives every baby a wildflower seed when they are born and that is why she is called Queen Wildflower. Princess Ellie learns about the different types of bees including a Queen bee, a worker bee and a drone bee. But there is one bee hiding in the corner. Before she can learn about that bee, he runs away. Princess Ellie is left wondering who that bee is?
Spread Your Wings and Fly is the sing-along song in this episode.
Episode 2: Bullied Bee
Princess Ellie discovers the name of the last bee. His name is the Feathered Prince and he is Queen Wildflower’s son. He has feathers instead of regular opaque bee wings. He gets bullied and is not allowed to have a job in the Combdom. We also discover that none of the bees can fly, they work all day, and the sun never sets in this curious land. The biggest problem is that since the bees cannot pollinate enough flowers, the flowers are dwindling and the bees are running out of food. Princess Ellie must come up with a plan to save the Combdom.
How to Deal with Bullying Special Segment: We go over how preschool to elementary kids should handle bullying. We empower the kids to find solutions and to talk about both verbal and physical bullying. The kids are taught to with multiple safe adults in their life until things are resolved.
Do you Like Me Check Yes or No is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 3: Bee Helpful
Princess Ellie offers to go on an Adventure Quest for Queen Wildflower and to his surprise the Feathered Prince gets to go too. As they begin to leave over the rock, the shadow of the wings of the Feathered Prince cover the entire Combdom and for a split second it looked like all of the bees began flying again. But this happened so fast that everyone thought it was a daydream. We are left wondering what solution they will find on their quest.
The Wheels on the Bus is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 4: Bee Brave
Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince are out on an Adventure Quest. They discover the land of a Flower Farmer who has fields full of giant flowers. The Feathered Prince wants to tell the entire Combdom to come here but he knows the way is too far and they would not last the journey. The Flower Farmer tells them that they can make their own flowers, but first they must solve three riddles to find the supplies that they will need to plant a wildflower. The first riddle is given and they discover that the first supply that they will need to plant a wildflower is a bucket. We are left wondering what other riddles and supplies that we will need.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 5: Bee Wise
The Flower Farmer shares another riddle where Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince discover that the next item they will need to plant a wildflower is a watering can. The Flower Farmer teaches the kids how and when to water correctly water a wildflower. We are left wondering what other supplies are needed to plant a wildflower and what new riddles would they face.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 6: I’ll Bee Back
The Flower Farmer gives Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince the final riddle. They discover that seeds need darkness to germinate and that only the Feathered Prince’s wings can create the shadow that they will need.
If You’re Happy and You Know It is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 7: Buzz to the Beat
Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince return to the Combdom to teach all of the bees what they learned using a song and dance. Bees use dance to communicate so Princess Ellie buzzes to the beat. The first step to planting a wildflower is to rake the ground. The next step is to spread the seeds around. The next step is the stomp the seeds into the ground. The final step is to water the seeds.
Spread Your Wings and Fly is the Sing-Along song in this episode that includes the words “Everybody touch the ground, hands in air wave them round, stomp the ground, breath fire save the town.”
Episode 8: Busy Bee
It is time to put the Feathered Prince’s wings to the test. It is his first day at his first job in the Combdom and everyone is anticipating what will happen. He climbs on the rock and spreads his wings. The bees fall asleep and when they wake up they can all fly. The seeds also sprouted. They realized that all everyone needed was a good night’s rest. If you look over in the corner the Feathered Prince is still sad. We are left wondering why he is sad.
Old MacDonald Had a Farm is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 9: Bee School
Everyone was happy except the Feathered Prince. The Combdom was saved but he still could not fly. Princess Ellie took him to flight school and made him write hundreds of times “I can spread my wings and fly.” The Feathered Prince started to believe in himself again. We are left wondering if he will ever fly.
The Alphabet Trap Remix is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Episode 10: Bee-lieve
The Feathered Prince walked outside, spread his wings, and began to fly! He realized that even though he had feathered wings that didn’t mean he couldn’t fly.
Who Knew is the Sing-Along song in this episode.
Pitch Documents
The Pitch Deck gives a comprehensive summary of the show. The Treatment includes the script.
Click the links below to view the Pitch Deck and Treatment for Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince.
Pitch Deck
Concise series overview. Character breakdown, episode summary, and synopsis.
Comprehensive overview of the series that includes the script.
Princess Ellie and the Feathered Prince animated series won a Film Festival Award. We won Gold in Animation at the International Independent Film Awards!