Stupid Prince Charming
Stupid Prince Charming is a musical brand from Set on a Hill. It features children’s fairy tales and songs.
Have you ever been having a bad day and have your go to angry song? You could be a lover, a mom, or an employee with a boss, and you are riddled with tough days and responsibilities. Sometimes you may have a bad day and we want Stupid Prince Charming to be your go to place.
Allow us to paint the picture for you. What if you were all of a sudden a new princess when before you were a peasant girl. You now have a million new responsibilities, you must master all of these new virtues and you have to oversee so many new people. When you are upset at love or your prince charming for bringing you into such a new world, we want to be that go to place where you can be upset but in the end we turn you around to live out the virtues that you should as royalty. Allow yourself to have one bad day but turn it around, pick yourself back up and continue to love, serve, and live. The truth we are not mad at love, but grateful for what we have become.
Below are a few virtues that you will see the princess journey through.
Self Control
Partner with Us
We are partnering with several brands to bring Stupid Prince Charming to life. If you would like to participate in our live shows, book signings, photoshoots, videos, television shows or more contact us.
Please contact info@setonahill.com for strategic partnerships or collaborations.